Ofo’s blowout offers lesson to investors
People who have survived road accidents often say time seems to slow down in the moment. But the car crash that is Chinese bike-sharing start-up ofo has been anything but slow-motion. The company has gone from a standing start to one of the world’s fastest-growing start-ups and back again in a hyper-accelerated three years.
anything but: used to mean the opposite of the stated quality决不,比如:
She’s meant to be really nice but she was anything but nice when I met her.她应该是个很和善的人,但是我跟她见面的时候,她是一点都不和气。
本段中的from…to…and back….是个很长的介词短语,翻译的时候,按照先后顺序来,名词词组动词化:“从…起步,一度成为…….后又回到原点”;

Wednesday’s admission by ofo founder Dai Wei that it is under “immense cash flow pressure” and skirting bankruptcy was surprising only for its upfront honesty.
Skirt这里用作动词:V-T Something that skirts an area is situated around the edge of it. 位于…的边缘; 围绕;
英文真的特别擅长用名词词组去堆砌句子,这段的主语就一个不算短的Wednesday’s admission by ofo founder Dai Wei,翻译的时候一定毫不犹豫的给它拆开,变成通顺的中国话;
In the rear-view mirror, ofo’s blowout may seem inevitable, as cities across China, Europe and the US have witnessed its distinctive yellow bikes vandalised, stolen — or, just as bad for the company, simply underused.
In the rear-view mirror 字面意思“在后视镜里”,也就是回头看,依据文章意境,也可以是“回首往事”等;
Vandalise: to damage or destroy things deliberately, especially public property故意破坏〔财物,尤指公物〕,(注意该词的使用范围~);

But ofo’s imminent demise should provide a timely sanity check for investors now ploughing hundreds of millions of dollars into the latest transportation fad: electric scooter sharing companies.
Imminent:an event that is imminent, especially an unpleasant one, will happen very soon〔尤指令人不快的事〕即将发生的,逼近的,注意它的使用范围,所以常看到的搭配都是不好的事情,比如:
imminent danger/threat/death/disaster etc
demise:formal the end of something that used to exist〔曾经存在的事物的〕终止,结束,消亡,比如报纸的消亡:the demise of newspaper;
plough: to use money that you have earned from a business to make the business bigger and more successful把〔赚来的钱〕再投资
可替代词:invest; fund; inject/pour money into…
Fad:something that people like or do for a short time, or that is fashionable for a short time一时的狂热;时尚,风尚, 比如结合上面的“投资”:investment fad 投资风潮;

This breakneck expansion masked the fact that ofo never figured out whether its original idea was commercially viable. “A lot of the mistakes occurred because they had so much capital,” says Horace Dediu, a technology industry analyst studying so-called “micro mobility”. “The money was buying growth. It was a land grab. As a result they didn’t stop to learn.”
这种突飞猛进的扩张掩盖了这样一个事实,即ofo从未弄清其最初的想法在商业上是否可行。“许多错误的发生就是因为他们有那么多的资本。”一名研究所谓“微观移动性”的科技行业分析师霍勒斯•德迪乌(Horace Dediu)表示,“这些钱是用来购买增长的。即攻城略地。因此,他们没有停下来学习。”
Breakneck是个形容词:ADJ If you say that something happens or travels at breakneck speed, you mean that it happens or travels very fast. 极快的,所以这个词一般形容(事物发展的)速度,比如Breakneck speed;

Ofo’s deeper flaw is embedded in Silicon Valley’s start-up model. Raising too much money too quickly railroads entrepreneurs into expansion that they do not discover they cannot afford until it is too late. Many so-called unicorns have the same flaws buried in their business models — but with many of their backers impatient for them to go public next year, it is now too late to apply the brakes.
Ofo’s deeper flaw is embedded in…
Many so-called unicorns have the same flaws buried in…
Railroad【熟词僻义】:to force or persuade someone to do something without giving them enough time to think about it迫使[劝服]〔某人〕仓促行事,搭配是:
Railroad sb. Into sth./ doing sth. ,比如工人被迫仓促地签下协议:
The workers were railroaded into signing the agreement.
Put on the brakes/slam the brakes/jam on the brake/press on the brake;